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Most US companies plan to increase employment here – AmCham survey

By July 4, 2023No Comments

The majority of American multinationals with operations here expect to increase employment in the coming year, according to the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland.

In a survey of its members conducted to coincide with 4th July celebrations, 70% of respondents said they plan to hire more staff at their Irish operations over the next 12 months.

Over the past year many US multinationals have cut staffing levels at their Irish operations; including 490 job losses at Meta Ireland and 240 at Google.

However AmCham says that, despite this, the numbers employed here by US firms has grown significantly in recent years.

It said there are currently 210,000 people working for US firms here, compared to 160,000 in 2019.

In AmCham’s latest survey the vast majority – 91% – of respondents said their corporate headquarters in the US had a positive impression of Ireland as an investment or growth location.

Almost all were satisfied with the quality of Ireland’s workforce, too.

However housing was cited as a major challenge for future growth – with 57% saying it was the main issue that had to be overcome in order for their business to expand.

Three quarters also said that more collaboration was needed between third level institutions and the industry in order to improve training. Some respondents – 18% – also said there should be more focus on apprenticeships.

In its 2024 Budget submission, AmCham has called for further infrastructural investment, particularly to address the lack of available housing in the country.

It also wants to see an increase in renewable energy investments, and an improvement in the country’s research ecosystem.

Article Source: Most US companies plan to increase employment here – AmCham survey – Adam Maguire – RTE

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